Law of Attraction Lesson - Understanding the Word Universe
As a Law of Attraction coach and teacher I usually use the term Universe to refer to the creative force we tap into when manifesting.
This has caused a bit of controversy because some people are very certain the word Universe should be replaced with (enter deity of your choice here) and that it's wrong to or even sacrilegious do otherwise.
I want to state right here that it is not my intention to offend anyone or knock your beliefs. I myself grew up in a very traditional family and have used many terms other than Universe throughout the years.
But I do want to offer some food for thought.
Throughout history there have been many stories told about our creation and many names given to our creator. There have also been many religions, some of which are still going strong while others have faded into oblivion. In addition, cultural differences cause the practice of even the same religion to vary from place to place.
The point is that the name you give the creator is less important than what that name stands for. I choose the term Universe because it feels comfortable to me and because it seems so big, expansive and all encompassing that it just fits with who I am at this moment. Additionally, since I work with people from all different religious and cultural backgrounds the term Universe makes sense because it's a little more global than using a name that might imply a certain set of beliefs.
You may make another choice and that's perfectly fine too. In fact, I encourage you to choose a name that fits in with your belief systems and culture. You see, manifesting is about fostering open communication and nurturing a great relationship with our creator. And I want you to do that in a way that feels right to you.
So certainly use the words and names that fit for you. Because when you do so you allow yourself to be more connected and in the flow which will result in a happier life and more manifesting success.