How to Develop a Magnetic Personality
When it comes to developing a magnetic personality there are two elements involved. First, you need to be able to attract people. Second, you need to be approachable so that others perceive you as being open. These two qualities together create a positive attitude that can help you to develop a magnetic personality. Consider how you can maximize these two elements in order to develop a strong magnetic personality.
First, make sure you are ready to engage people. When you are going to a meeting, part or any other event where there are going to be conversations make sure you are prepared in advance. Have topics, questions and stores in your mind in case you meet someone so you can avoid the awkward small talk common at most gatherings.
Second, always make sure you look for a common point of interest. This element is very important in conversations and interactions. When you are meeting new people or talking to those that you already known it is important to find a common point of interest as soon as possible. This way you can develop a bond with other and increase your approachability so people are more comfortable talking with you.
Third, no matter how you feel make sure you don't cross your arms. Even if you are cold, crossing your arms will make you seem defensive, nervous, judgmental, close-minded or skeptical. This subconscious and nonverbal cue is something that causes people to stay away; they view you as not approachable. When you feel the urge to cross your arms, stop. Rather relax and find something else to do with your hands and arms.
Fourth, be open to the different forms of communication. Some individuals prefer face-to-face conversations while others prefer email or telephone. Be accommodating to all communication styles and provide people with as many ways as possible to contact you. This will provide an easy and pleasant experience for individuals.
Fifth, always make sure you have a business card on you at all times. If you don't have a business card you can be missed out on a valuable relationship and opportunity. Remember that you can network anytime and anywhere, but you need to be prepared and the key to being prepared in to know that you never know exactly what you will need.
Sixth, make sure you overcome your fear of rejection. Often you can feel yourself making excuses, such as people won't be interested in you or you will be an embarrassment. Fear is the main reason why most people back away from conversations. With a lot of practice, you will have less fear when starting a conversation. As you start more conversations, you will get better at it. At first, start of simply by merely introducing yourself and saying hello. Whether you take an active or passive role in a conversation you are at least develop your skills and decreasing your chance of being rejected. This way you will be more open to conversations in the future when will show in your nonverbal cues and make you more approachable by other individuals.