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Here is How You Can Drive Your Ex Crazy After You! The Stunning Secrets You Can't Afford to Miss

Monday, August 31, 2009 , Posted by AME at 12:28 AM

Getting your ex back can be done in different methods. However some do works and some doesn't. Getting your ex back can be easy or other way around. Whatever the situation is you should have to strive hard to get your ex back before someone else gets into the picture. You should let them realize you're the right person in their life and no one else. If your idea doesn't coordinate with plan then it is the right time take action and do some of these approaches to win him or her back.

Never ever show your ex that you are hurt after the break up. Even though it really hurt you so much don't let your emotion stands in the way. Hide it especially when your ex is around and don't let his or her friends know that you are troubled. Act as if nothing just happened. Show your ex that it doesn't bother you that your ex just left you. And don't even give your ex the idea that you miss him or her.

Find some things that will keep you busy. Show your ex that you're having the best time of your life without him or her. Give your ex the idea that your life doesn't revolve around him or her. Even though this is hard for you and the things you do doesn't even excites you, make sure that your ex doesn't feel or see your frail side. Show you're ex your utmost enthusiasm.

Now that your single, go out and have some fun with your friends do some outdoors games or whatever things you like that will keep the fun and laughter. Don't make your ex feel that you are a loner. Make your ex feel that you have a lot of friends who loves your presence.

The last thing you can do to make your ex crazy is to avoid answering their calls. Doing this gives them idea that you have no interest on their presence. This will surely work in making your ex nuts on having you back. It will make your ex desperate to have you back again.