Your Sub-Conscious Mind - Magnify the Right Vibes!
There is a whole set of thought vibrations available for you to choose from.
In any life area that has mixed signals going on, you will find a plethora of vibrations all mixed in together. Some vibrations say - "I have it going really good. This is working out so well!"
While others say - "Oh boy, what's happening? The whole thing is not working at all. Why am I even wasting my time on this?"
To choose the strain of thoughts that ultimately support what you want to create, is your job as the creator of your life journey.
Your mind is like a child, or rather your subconscious mind is like a child and it beams all of these messages into the Universe attracting situations. You can use your conscious mind to overrule or overwrite this subconscious mind because it is important to train this subconscious mind to get the results that you want.
Coaching is about working on this program, and as you (we) cajole your subconscious into letting go of old thoughts and feed in new useful, loving and supportive thoughts, your vibrations change for the better and so does your reality. The whole energy changes around you.
It's all a new understanding, perspective and programming that goes into your subconscious so that change happens.
Your conscious mind can help in changing focus and awareness and help guide your subconscious to contain better beliefs and thoughts. The only problem is if your conscious mind gets too rigid and does not want to let your subconscious think differently. This happens to overly intellectual people and people who have experienced so many contrary situations (contrary to what they would have liked to experience) that allowing the subconscious mind to think differently seems to be a Herculean task.
In such cases, information needs to be fed in very logically and carefully because the mind needs to be totally convinced to release all doubts and fears. It is a case of trust, and as a person learns to trust, he/she lets go of old and rigid thought patterns that were just not sitting right. The old subconscious just created the same situation again and again, and the consequences get very clear to see and experience.
For example if there is a man or woman in your life who seems as if he/she is not treating you correctly, it's because this person is the projection of your subconscious mind and its beliefs. You may want one thing, but this subconscious mind projects another. As this subconscious mind is trained differently, change happens around you. You can also keep this in mind while dealing with other people because they too have the same issues. Their subconscious mind is also trained to think incorrectly thereby creating their experiences with you.
If you want change, and would like to experience the results of having different beliefs in your subconscious mind, then allow this subconscious mind to hold different beliefs and your life will certainly reflect that change. Work on your vibrations and from the mix of thought vibrations, choose and transmit correct and useful ones to the Universe and have it bring back good and happy situations to you.
Magnify the vibes that will support you and let go of those that don't. Let your subconscious project a different reality for you and take correct and happy actions.
The power lies with you to get this change to happen. Lots of love!
Deeper Voice Exercises - Learn to Tone Your Voice
For men, having a high-pitched voice can be a traumatic experience. Even if you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, nobody will take you seriously if you sound like Mickey Mouse. Having a deep, resonant voice can also help you get a better job, and even land the girl of your dreams. But what can you do to get a deep voice quickly? Here is a pair of deeper voice exercises that might help you.
Begin by saying the words "Bing-Bong," "Ding-Dong," and "King-Kong" slowly and clearly. Sustain the final 'ng' sound for as long as you can. Deepen your voice gradually with each repetition. Then repeat but deepen your voice just a little bit. Do three repetitions of this exercise per day for around a week.
After a week repeat this exercise, but this time with your head facing upwards. This makes the exercise a little more difficult because you are stretching your vocal cords. Do no more than two repetitions a day of this exercise but do the workout daily. But remember not to overdo this exercise as you may damage your voice.
You can also try scream singing, meaning singing along to heavy-metal records complete with all the screams and growls. But just as with the above exercise, do not overdo it. A deep voice is attractive; a damaged voice is not.
Apart from these deeper voice exercises you should also learn to speak from your diaphragm. This would allow you to project a deeper voice. You should also maintain good posture. Keep your head straight up and your chin forward when you speak.
If you practice these deeper voice exercises regularly and make these techniques second nature, then you should have the deep voice you want in no time.
Law of Attraction - Love and Relationships
Most of the time when you hear of the Law of Attraction it is in the context of making money and attracting cars and houses and things of a more material nature. The Law of Attraction can be used to manifest ANYTHING that you desire. This includes attracting love and relationships and even friendships that make you feel joy and happiness.
Why are you not attracting the love and relationships that you desire?
Often times, people have a pretty jaded point of view when it comes to the topics of love and relationships. And some people even maintain that same point of view with friendships as well. Maybe you have been disappointed in the past. That's okay. We all have at one time or another.
One of the most important principles when using the law of attraction is that it is all about moving forward. Holding on to past disappointments and hurts from prior relationships goes against the idea of moving forward. To really begin to manifest the things that you desire, no matter what they may be, you have to develop the sense of letting go of the past and enjoying the now and the possible future for yourself.
You can use the law of attraction to attract love and relationships and even friendships into your life. You have to first let the past be the past and live in the now with great expectations of your future. It is imperative that you begin to open yourself up to new possibilities and outcomes.
Law of Attraction Lesson - Understanding the Word Universe
As a Law of Attraction coach and teacher I usually use the term Universe to refer to the creative force we tap into when manifesting.
This has caused a bit of controversy because some people are very certain the word Universe should be replaced with (enter deity of your choice here) and that it's wrong to or even sacrilegious do otherwise.
I want to state right here that it is not my intention to offend anyone or knock your beliefs. I myself grew up in a very traditional family and have used many terms other than Universe throughout the years.
But I do want to offer some food for thought.
Throughout history there have been many stories told about our creation and many names given to our creator. There have also been many religions, some of which are still going strong while others have faded into oblivion. In addition, cultural differences cause the practice of even the same religion to vary from place to place.
The point is that the name you give the creator is less important than what that name stands for. I choose the term Universe because it feels comfortable to me and because it seems so big, expansive and all encompassing that it just fits with who I am at this moment. Additionally, since I work with people from all different religious and cultural backgrounds the term Universe makes sense because it's a little more global than using a name that might imply a certain set of beliefs.
You may make another choice and that's perfectly fine too. In fact, I encourage you to choose a name that fits in with your belief systems and culture. You see, manifesting is about fostering open communication and nurturing a great relationship with our creator. And I want you to do that in a way that feels right to you.
So certainly use the words and names that fit for you. Because when you do so you allow yourself to be more connected and in the flow which will result in a happier life and more manifesting success.
How to Develop a Magnetic Personality
When it comes to developing a magnetic personality there are two elements involved. First, you need to be able to attract people. Second, you need to be approachable so that others perceive you as being open. These two qualities together create a positive attitude that can help you to develop a magnetic personality. Consider how you can maximize these two elements in order to develop a strong magnetic personality.
First, make sure you are ready to engage people. When you are going to a meeting, part or any other event where there are going to be conversations make sure you are prepared in advance. Have topics, questions and stores in your mind in case you meet someone so you can avoid the awkward small talk common at most gatherings.
Second, always make sure you look for a common point of interest. This element is very important in conversations and interactions. When you are meeting new people or talking to those that you already known it is important to find a common point of interest as soon as possible. This way you can develop a bond with other and increase your approachability so people are more comfortable talking with you.
Third, no matter how you feel make sure you don't cross your arms. Even if you are cold, crossing your arms will make you seem defensive, nervous, judgmental, close-minded or skeptical. This subconscious and nonverbal cue is something that causes people to stay away; they view you as not approachable. When you feel the urge to cross your arms, stop. Rather relax and find something else to do with your hands and arms.
Fourth, be open to the different forms of communication. Some individuals prefer face-to-face conversations while others prefer email or telephone. Be accommodating to all communication styles and provide people with as many ways as possible to contact you. This will provide an easy and pleasant experience for individuals.
Fifth, always make sure you have a business card on you at all times. If you don't have a business card you can be missed out on a valuable relationship and opportunity. Remember that you can network anytime and anywhere, but you need to be prepared and the key to being prepared in to know that you never know exactly what you will need.
Sixth, make sure you overcome your fear of rejection. Often you can feel yourself making excuses, such as people won't be interested in you or you will be an embarrassment. Fear is the main reason why most people back away from conversations. With a lot of practice, you will have less fear when starting a conversation. As you start more conversations, you will get better at it. At first, start of simply by merely introducing yourself and saying hello. Whether you take an active or passive role in a conversation you are at least develop your skills and decreasing your chance of being rejected. This way you will be more open to conversations in the future when will show in your nonverbal cues and make you more approachable by other individuals.
Law of Attraction - 7 Easy Steps to Make it Work Every Time
How do you make the Law of Attraction work every time? Get your conscious and unconscious thoughts on the same playing field. Get them playing with each other to create in harmony instead of conflict with each other. Where our conscious and unconscious thoughts butt heads is where the Law of Attraction fails.
The greatest secret is not that we create with our thoughts but rather our thoughts create from two places in our mind: the conscious and unconscious. Many say that we only use 10% of our total mind consciously in any moment. This means 90% of our mind is being driven from our unconscious.
When we are aware of the decisions we make in each moment we are making conscious choices. When our choices are unconscious, they are decided possibly in contradiction to what we really desire. This is how unwanted habits or manifestations can control us.
A prime example is in the case of addiction. Addiction is an attachment to something unconscious that we don't want to participate with consciously. We say that we are addicted but what we are really saying is we feel out of control. We are always in control. The things we create, we genuinely want or desire on some level. Unconscious thinking might manifest as something which is contradictory to our conscious desires.. This is the inner struggle humanity has experienced for millennia.
The secret to making the Law of Attraction work every time for everyone, is to discover one's unconscious thinking in relation to what one desires to create consciously. If the unconscious thinking is in opposition to one's desires, amend the counterproductive thinking into something that will align with one's conscious desires.
Seven Steps to Making the Law of Attraction Work Every Time
1. Awareness: Be aware of what you are creating.
2. Breathe: Breathe in deeply to connect to what you are creating and on the exhale expand to create more room for the connection. Surrender to what you are currently creating. Let go.
3. Responsibility: Take responsibility for what you are creating. Own it. Use the verbiage 'I want to experience (place here what you are experiencing)' because on some level you do want to experience it or you wouldn't be experiencing it.
4. Acceptance: Drop judgment of what you are creating to realize it is simply a creation. Discharge the energy or judgment typically associated with things that you don't want. These unwanted things have been called negative, wrong or bad.
5. Unconscious: Now that you are aware of what you do want consciously, become aware of any unconscious thoughts creating against what you want consciously. Go through the first four steps with each unconscious thought that is hidden and in conflict with your conscious desires.
6. Peace: Make peace with the inner conflict about the situation. Bring both sides of your thinking together. Harmonize your conscious and unconscious thinking. Let them both speak and feel. Indeed two parts of you can be in disagreement with each other. Come to a place of being okay with each of them and feel the resulting peace.
7. Recreate: With awareness, acceptance and peace brought to all parts of you regarding a situation, you have the power to recreate the circumstance and with a higher probability of long-lasting success.
Congratulations on creating the life you truly deserve with more serenity and success than ever before. The seven steps to making the Law of Attraction work every time is applicable with every situation. You are truly the master of this creation!
Do You Know You Can Get a Hot Girl Even If You Are Average Looking? A Must Read
Most men cringe at the thought that they might not be able to attract the girl of their dreams since they do not think that the man staring at them in the mirror is "handsome" enough.
If you are one such dejected man then you need to realize that women do not rate looks as the only criteria while choosing a man. There are other aspects too that can more than compensate for your lack of handsomeness.
Being moneyed helps. Since most women associate money with success, having quite a lot of money can easily compensate for your lack of chiseled looks. However, this money needs to be earned through your own efforts since most women love hard-working men that have tasted success and have gained confidence in the process. This hard-earned cash will give you a lot of leverage and you need not feel bad about your "missing" looks when you do interact with any woman.
Develop a cool personality. Girls are attracted to guys that appear to be totally in control of any situation. A handsome guy that seems all strung out and reacts negatively to any situation will be looked down upon whereas you, with your average looks could smile your way into their hearts by simply remaining cool. Knowing the right line to speak at the right time requires practice but the results could be in the form of beautiful girls getting attracted to your personality, before getting attracted to the rest of your body.
Floor her with your skills. Women are naturally attracted to boxers, musicians, singers, athletes, or other people that possess special skills, irrespective of their looks. This is because these people possess special skills that reach out to a woman's subconscious mind and make her feel good from the inside. This creates feelings of desire to inch nearer towards that skilled person. If you too have such skills then use them on the woman of your choice and watch her heart and body warm up towards you.
Here is How You Can Drive Your Ex Crazy After You! The Stunning Secrets You Can't Afford to Miss
Getting your ex back can be done in different methods. However some do works and some doesn't. Getting your ex back can be easy or other way around. Whatever the situation is you should have to strive hard to get your ex back before someone else gets into the picture. You should let them realize you're the right person in their life and no one else. If your idea doesn't coordinate with plan then it is the right time take action and do some of these approaches to win him or her back.
Never ever show your ex that you are hurt after the break up. Even though it really hurt you so much don't let your emotion stands in the way. Hide it especially when your ex is around and don't let his or her friends know that you are troubled. Act as if nothing just happened. Show your ex that it doesn't bother you that your ex just left you. And don't even give your ex the idea that you miss him or her.
Find some things that will keep you busy. Show your ex that you're having the best time of your life without him or her. Give your ex the idea that your life doesn't revolve around him or her. Even though this is hard for you and the things you do doesn't even excites you, make sure that your ex doesn't feel or see your frail side. Show you're ex your utmost enthusiasm.
Now that your single, go out and have some fun with your friends do some outdoors games or whatever things you like that will keep the fun and laughter. Don't make your ex feel that you are a loner. Make your ex feel that you have a lot of friends who loves your presence.
The last thing you can do to make your ex crazy is to avoid answering their calls. Doing this gives them idea that you have no interest on their presence. This will surely work in making your ex nuts on having you back. It will make your ex desperate to have you back again.
How to Deal With a Breakup - Here is Something You Don't Want To Miss at No Possible Cost to You
People deal with a break up in different ways. Some people hang out in bars, binge drinking and hitting on women, and engaging on unprotected sex. Others are left totally immobile and unable to function at work and at home. These are all harmful ways of dealing with a break up because they can sap the life out of you and cause you to fall into depression in the long run.
The best way on how to deal with a breakup is to reflect on what happened and try to engage on fun activities so that you can get your mind off of it all for the mean time. Having the support of family and friends are important in recovering from a broken heart. You can't do it all on your own, you're going to need their help to get through this horrible moment in your life.
Be totally honest with yourself when asking the question whether you'd still want to win back your ex. Do you see yourself twenty, thirty years from now without him by your side? If you think you can't live without him, then by all means do everything you can to win him back. True love is worth fighting for and you won't be remiss if you've done your best in winning him back.
When getting back your ex, be subtle in your approach. Don't scare him off by blaming him to his face at the moment you meet. Go easy with him and show that you've matured enough to handle the relationship this time around. Maturity and strength of character are very important on how to deal with a breakup.
How to Easily Impress Girls? Here Are the Magical Tactics Which Will Make You a Girl Magnet
When you're out on a date or you're in the company of ladies, it's only natural for a guy to put his best foot forward. Unfortunately, there are a lot of men who fail to impress the girls they like because they were not attentive enough. If you're looking to go out and start dating again after a long while, read on to find out how you can easily impress girls.
Get to know her better - It would help to ask a common friend about the girl you're eyeing at before you ask her out. You want to find out more about her and learn more about her interests so you can plan your dates around those. This is a sure fire way to impress any lady because it means you care enough to learn more about her.
Be presentable - Exert the extra effort to look neat and presentable. When you're out with the guys, hygiene and clothes do not matter much. It's a different story when you're with a girl. You don't want to embarrass your date by looking bedraggled.
Be pleasant - Adopt a pleasant personality. Be nice to the ladies and be more accommodating so they warm up to you. You don't want to sound chauvinistic or overbearing when you talk to them so they easily feel more comfortable around you.
Humor is your secret weapon - If you want to impress any girl, you have to appeal to her funny bones. You want to be funny and witty when you're talking to a lady to make her feel that you're interesting enough to talk to. Crack jokes but don't do so at the expense of other people and try not to use vulgarity.
The extra attention - To impress a girl, you have to give her your full attention. When she's talking, don't let your eyes and focus wander. Listen and provide your own input. Don't act like a wall who is just there to receive whatever she says. Maintain your end of the conversation.
Be a gentleman - Finally, the best way to impress a girl enough to make her want to go out with you is to be a gentleman. Show her that chivalry is not dead and treat her like she's a precious china.
Upscale Romantic Picnic Dinner
When couples anticipate of a appropriate adventurous banquet added acceptable they anticipate of a cher activity at an flush restaurant than a barbecue dinner. Choose a night, accomplish anxiety and achievement your table is not abreast the kitchen, the bathrooms or abutting to an obnoxiously loud accumulation who thinks everybody is absorbed in what they accept to say. But couples do not accept to plan to the extend a helpmate does for an alfresco bells accession which is, in the accurate sense, a picnic, to accept an elegant, yet inexpensive, adventurous barbecue dinner. The aboriginal affair is accepting article to backpack the banquet service, tablecloth, napkins and glasses. You apparently accept containers about the abode that would work, or, you could accomplish a one time amount for a adventurous barbecue bassinet that contains all the aloft listed items.
Unlike a banquet at an flush restaurant, a acceptable barbecue bassinet is reusable for a lifetime, not aloof a one time event. In any case, it is important to accept an cloistral alembic for aliment assurance which is a allotment of acceptable barbecue baskets. Besides food, the alone added items bare for your flush adventurous barbecue is a baby folding table and two folding chairs. Your barbecue can be at a park, a wayside by the river, or a atom in a admirable yard. When active in an accommodation I asked accompany if I could use a bend of their admirable backyard for a barbecue with my admirer (who after became my husband). They were actual gracious, alike said we could use their bathroom, and backward out of afterimage while we were there. The advantage was, I could set up my table advanced of time.
Still, you can ask your accomplice to delay in the car while you set up the table and chairs in a accessible to the accessible spot. If this is a surprise, heighten the ball by allurement your accomplice to abrasion a blinder while you set the scene, again advance him or her to the barbecue spot. Now for the food. Keep it simple, accessible to eat yet article a footfall aloft accustomed fare. Start with absurd (something besides soda crackers) and a brace of spreads such as wine cheese, pate, vegetable or article abroad that catches your eye. Quiche is acceptable as a capital advance because it is not an accustomed aliment yet can be eaten at allowance temperature. You can buy it in the arctic aliment section, broil it and cut it up afore packing as abounding pieces as needed. Or buy alone portions. Small fruit, such as grapes or beyond bake-apple cut into chaw admeasurement pieces. For dessert: amazon with aerated cream. For ease, use the absolute whip chrism in a can. Use a clasp canteen of amber to agitate on the bowl and put strawberries abutting to the cheesecake. The abstraction is to dip the strawberries into the amber and augment them to your partner. Beverages: Wine (non-alcoholic if preferred) with banquet and coffee with dessert.
Encourage Your Child To Feel Important
t’s imperative for a child’s healthy development to feel important and worthy. Healthy self-esteem is a child’s armor against the challenges of the world. Kids who feel good about themselves seem to have an easier time handling conflicts and resisting negative pressures.
They tend to smile more readily and enjoy life. These kids are realistic and generally optimistic. It’s also been shown that children who feel important are well-rounded, respectful, and excel in academics, extracurricular activities and hobbies and develop healthy relationships with their peers.
In contrast, for children who do not feel important or cherished have low self-esteem, and challenges can become sources of major anxiety and frustration. Children who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solving problems, and may become passive, withdrawn, or depressed.
You are the biggest influence in your child feeling important, valued and worthy. Remember to praise your child for a job well done, and also for putting for a valiant effort. Praise the good traits they naturally possess, and help them find ways to learn from their mistakes and failures.
Be honest and sincere in your praise. Help them realize that you also suffer from self doubt and can make mistakes from time to time, but that you know that you are important, valued and loved. When you nurture your own self -esteem and importance, your child will learn to do the same, so be sure to lead by example and steer clear of self-depreciating yourself or engaging in activities that lower your self-worth or importance.
Your child may have inaccurate or irrational beliefs about themselves, their abilities or their traits. Accentuate the positive about your child, and encourage your child to set realistic expectations and standards for themselves. Help them identify traits or skills they’d like to improve and help them come up with a game plan for accomplishing that goal.
Encourage your child to become involved in cooperative activities that foster a sense of teamwork and accomplishment. Through these and other positive, affirming activities, your child is sure to develop a strong sense of self importance, value and worth which will carry into their adult years.
Clear Expectations Make Discipline Easier
Sometimes it can be very challenging to communicate anything with your child. Setting clear expectations regarding what’s acceptable behavior and what isn’t imperative to successfully teaching your child right from wrong. If the parameters are muddled or the child learns that in one situation the rules hold true yet in another situation the same rule does not, it makes for confusion and frustration on both sides.
Sit down with your child well in advance and line out the expectations and consequences of misbehaving or a misdeed. Make it clear that in no uncertain terms is there any room for negotiation at the time of the infraction, and that should such a behavior occur you intend to be firm in your discipline.
Rules regarding your child’s safety, health or well-being should have no room for negotiation when being set or enforced. Other rules can be openly and honestly discussed with your child and an agreed upon action should be forged that both parents and child can agree upon. If necessary, make a contract between parent and child. Lay it all out in black and white, in language your child can clearly understand.
For younger children, you might want to develop a good behavior chart within the contract, and for each week that goes by without any infractions being noted, a favorite or special activity might be earned. The connection between good deeds and special time with mom and/or dad might be just the currency they understand.
But all children need to understand that disciplining them is your way of teaching them what’s acceptable behavior and what isn’t. It may seem as though children fight rules and regulations, but they truly know that such parameters are meant for their well-being, health, safety, and enable them to grow into a mature person capable of making wise decisions.
Create Your Own E-book Using Google and Ebay
Have you been working at an online business for a while now, and thinking of creating a product of your own that you can sell online to make extra money? Well, have I got the solution for you! E-books are becoming one of the most popular selling information products online today, and you can use Google and Ebay to help you create your very own digital product!
If the thought of writing an e-book seems a daunting task to you, it’s really not as difficult as it seems. If you are already educated in internet marketing and know what writing original articles can do for your business and search engine ranking, then you are already most of the way there. Even if you know little about internet marketing and just like to write, you have a good chance of creating a good downloadable product that you can sell online.
The trick to writing an e-book that will sell is to know what people’s problems are. This doesn’t mean you need to be a psychologist! It simply means that you need an awareness of what people are asking for online that they need help with and want to find a solution for. People will buy from you when they know you have defined a problem they are having, and offer a solution to that problem.
What can Google and Ebay do to help you write this problem-defining and problem-solving e-book that will sell like hot cakes you ask? The answer is that Google and Ebay are excellent research tools that you can tap into to find out what people are having problems with. It’s very important to use these free tools because if you start writing away about a topic that has little relevance to what people are looking for online then chances are your product won’t sell.
Keep in mind too that the other trick to making a best-selling e-book is to know about and love your chosen topic. You will find it much easier to write a lot about a topic you are truly interested in rather than trying to write about something you know nothing about. You want to share your expertise and personal experiences about a topic, not your fake attempt to appeal to people’s emotions just so they will buy your product.
So once you find a topic you love and know about, you can go to Ebay and start doing your research. What do I mean by “doing your research”? By this I mean you want to know what people are looking to buy on Ebay. Let’s say you love hiking in the mountains. Go to Ebay and type in “hiking”, or “hiking boots”, or “hiking backpacks”, for example. Find out what gets a lot of people’s interest, as indicated by the number in the search results. Look at the listings to see what people are bidding on. This will give you an idea if your topic is worth writing an e-book about or not. Do the same in Google by typing in some search terms related to your topic to see if you can find the problems people want answers to, and if you feel you can write a lot about that yourself.
It’s very good practice to get into the habit of using a good keyword research tool, such as the one offered at SEO Book. Once you have a good topic, you also want to target the keywords people are searching for in the search engines. With a keyword research tool you will find out which keywords are worth targeting. Most people think to use the keywords with the most searches, however, you want to target keywords that do get searched, but not the most frequently so that you can get to the top of the search engine listings with your effective keywords. These will be keywords searched maybe 5000-10000 times per month or thereabouts in Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
The great thing about having been involved in internet marketing before is that you have probably already written a few articles to promote your business online. If this is the case, you can compile your articles into an e-book without having to write anything extra! E-books don’t have to be long! Or if you write about your experiences and can share your knowledge about your climb to Everest’s base camp, then just compile your notes into an e-book with very little extra effort!
Finally, you can use Google and Ebay not only for research purposes, but after you’ve written your e-book, you can then offer it for sale on Ebay, advertise it using Google Adwords perhaps, watch your e-book rise to the top of the search engine listings, and grin happily as the sales start coming in!
Six Tips on How to Recognize Any Internet Scam
About a month ago I published an article on how to avoid home based business scams. We have also done the research and my website cited at the end of this article presents home based online opportunities, that have been thoroughly research in terms of their legitimacy. Nevertheless, in spite of these efforts and the efforts of others, the internet continues to be bombarded with false opportunities that convey false hope to so many, who truly want to start and succeed in their own home based business.
So, I have decided to provide some additional tips and information that can assist you in recognizing most Internet scams.
All of us know instinctively that all those too good to be true solicitation e-mails and ads you see in the margins of high traffic websites for making thousands of dollars a week with no effort through a home based internet business can’t be for real. Yet there are still thousands upon thousands of people every year whose dreams of easy cash, early retirement and free living override their common sense and encourage them to invest in these home business scams. That’s why we’re offering a few simple tips for avoiding home business scams that can ultimately save you a lot of money, not to mention heartache and frustration.
The most obvious way to avoid home business scams is to do your homework. For every home business scam floating around out there in cyberspace, there is someone who’s tried it and ended up bitter and disgruntled when they never received the tens of thousands of dollars in easy money they were promised. There are entire websites and blogs dedicated to exposing these fraudulent home business opportunities and providing tips for avoiding home business scams like it so that no one else ends up getting ripped off by crappy snake oil that doesn’t really work. So when one of these promising opportunities comes through your inbox and you get that little urge inside to give it a try, do a Google search for a few of the key phrases or the main concept and see what others who have already paid the entry fee to try it have to say about the opportunity. Try to look for testimonials on third party objective websites. It’s not a good idea to believe the testimonials on the websites of the opportunities themselves.
There are a multitude of resources all over the Internet that list which opportunities are scams and which ones have real income potential.
Here are six tips to recognize any scam. One needs to run through this checklist every time they consider an endeavor. These are things you will want to avoid.
1. Any deal you do not completely understand. The big print might make absolute sense or get your attention. It is the fine print that will be the determining factor though. If you actually read the fine print you might be losing more than gaining. The more important your deal the more important it is for you to read and understand the terms. Ask multiple questions and get legal help if need be.
2. Any deal requiring multitudes of money up front. Don’t spend all at once. Make sure you will get what you pay for. You want to be sure that the golden egg in that basket is real before the scammer has your cash.
3. Any deal you are asked to do in a hurry or under the pressure of time. Time should not be important when making a business deal. Both parties will want to be sure they know exactly what they are getting into. If someone is trying to rush you in making up you mind it is because they don’t want to give you time to realize it is a scam.
4. Any deals with people or companies you have never heard of or know. The best reference is that if you have no clue whom you are dealing with you shouldn’t find out. Let people know that you will be checking out their business and background. This will keep them from being able to lie to you. Make sure you follow through and find out all you can.
5. Any deal that you are being manipulated or schmoozed into. If some one is trying to bully you, charm you to death, or anything else. Make sure to tell them you know what they are doing and walk away.
6. Any deal set up to look like a pyramid scheme. These scams are made to look like legitimate MLM and network marketing business but are illegal. The earlier people in the plan get paid with money taken from the new people. These companies have you spend thousands of dollars up front and claim you will be raking in the money in weeks.
Truly the best of the best tips for avoiding home business scams we can offer is to listen to the little voice inside you. If that voice is telling you the scam’s promises are too good to be true, then listen to that voice, because it’s probably entirely correct!
Remember, most people would love to get rich quick. Some people do get rich quick, but not many. Most of us will become financially independent over a period of time and after much sacrifice and hard work. The good news here is that you can be successful in your legitimate home-based business. It is not a question of if you will, just when.
So if the opportunity that comes to you sounds to good to be true, then it probably is. Follow these tips and you will avoid the scams.
How Women Can Handle Their Depression
Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a woman can use to help manage her depression.
One of the ways to manage your depression is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, your afraid that if you do not get that job promotion then you will be stuck at your job forever. This depresses you, however your thinking in this situation is unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that there all are kinds of jobs available and just because you do not get this job promotion does not mean that you will never get one. In addition, people change jobs all the time, and you always have that option of going elsewhere if you are unhappy at your present location.
Some people get depressed and have a difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do to get their mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. Doing something will get your mind off of the problem and give you confidence to do other things.
Sometimes, we can get depressed over a task that we will have to perform in the near future. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you and your team have to play in the championship volleyball game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that your playing in front of a large audience. By playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self-Visualization is a great way to reduce the fear and stress of a coming situation.
Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that make us feel good. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed, open up your small notebook and read those statements.
Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you manage your fears and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future. Managing your fears and anxieties takes practice. The more you practice, the better you will become.
The techniques that I have just covered are some basic ways to manage your depression, however your best bet is to get some help from a professional.
Why The Mercedes Benz AMG Is Still The Top Of The Line Luxury Vehicle
With high HP engines and a racing build to it, the Mercedes Benz AMG has grown into one of the most popular luxury vehicles on the road. It has gone from a race-style circuit vehicle to now being an every day car on the road. Whether it’s a sports car, sedan, or wagon, you are guaranteed to get the highest quality performance out of this car.
The Mercedes Benz AMG was founded in 1967 as a racing engine force. However, society quickly picked up interest in the vehicle for its high luxury. Today, AMG offers all of the automobile functions needed for a high-class car. Above all, brand is known for its development and production of their high-performance engines.
The United States is now the largest market in the world for AMG vehicles because of its 40 percent share of AMG sales. With the high amount of shares, there is a wide selection of AMG vehicles to choose from. You can find some of the older classics that got AMG going in 1967, or you can select one of the many brand new 2007 models available.
Today customers can choose from 16 unique Mercedes AMG with a performance spectrum that varies in between 265/360 HP to 450 kW/612 HP. The driving dynamics are impeccable and make these vehicles suitable for everyday use, while providing you with a luxurious experience.
There are several different styles and models for the 2007 Mercedes AMG’s, each offering something a little different. The E-Class AMG offers either a sedan or wagon. The sedan has an all-new 507-horsepower AMG V-8, accompanied by a 7-speed automatic transmission. The wagon is similar to the sedan, but offers a capacity of 7 passengers. These two vehicles are on the cheaper end with both pricing in around $85,000.
If you want the top of the line flashy Mercedes Benz AMG, you will want to look at the 2007 SL65 AMG. Coming in at close to $187,000, this luxurious thrill ride is worth every penny. You will get a 604-horsepower twin-turbocharged V-12, with a 5-speed automatic transmission. It comes with race-bred high-performance breaks and 19-inch double-spoke AMG multi-piece wheels.
As you may have expected, this cars are by no means cheap. However, the price you put into your luxury vehicle is backed up by the numerous features that make these vehicles stand out from the rest. After 40 years of development and production, the Mercedes Benz AMG is at the top of the market with its high-performance vehicles.
Why The Mercedes Benz AMG Is Still The Top Of The Line Luxury Vehicle
With high HP engines and a racing build to it, the Mercedes Benz AMG has grown into one of the most popular luxury vehicles on the road. It has gone from a race-style circuit vehicle to now being an every day car on the road. Whether it’s a sports car, sedan, or wagon, you are guaranteed to get the highest quality performance out of this car.
The Mercedes Benz AMG was founded in 1967 as a racing engine force. However, society quickly picked up interest in the vehicle for its high luxury. Today, AMG offers all of the automobile functions needed for a high-class car. Above all, brand is known for its development and production of their high-performance engines.
The United States is now the largest market in the world for AMG vehicles because of its 40 percent share of AMG sales. With the high amount of shares, there is a wide selection of AMG vehicles to choose from. You can find some of the older classics that got AMG going in 1967, or you can select one of the many brand new 2007 models available.
Today customers can choose from 16 unique Mercedes AMG with a performance spectrum that varies in between 265/360 HP to 450 kW/612 HP. The driving dynamics are impeccable and make these vehicles suitable for everyday use, while providing you with a luxurious experience.
There are several different styles and models for the 2007 Mercedes AMG’s, each offering something a little different. The E-Class AMG offers either a sedan or wagon. The sedan has an all-new 507-horsepower AMG V-8, accompanied by a 7-speed automatic transmission. The wagon is similar to the sedan, but offers a capacity of 7 passengers. These two vehicles are on the cheaper end with both pricing in around $85,000.
If you want the top of the line flashy Mercedes Benz AMG, you will want to look at the 2007 SL65 AMG. Coming in at close to $187,000, this luxurious thrill ride is worth every penny. You will get a 604-horsepower twin-turbocharged V-12, with a 5-speed automatic transmission. It comes with race-bred high-performance breaks and 19-inch double-spoke AMG multi-piece wheels.
As you may have expected, this cars are by no means cheap. However, the price you put into your luxury vehicle is backed up by the numerous features that make these vehicles stand out from the rest. After 40 years of development and production, the Mercedes Benz AMG is at the top of the market with its high-performance vehicles.
People flock to 'Niagra of India' Hogenakkal in Karnataka
Hogenakkal (Karnataka),Known as the 'Niagara Falls of India', the Hogenakkal waterfall in the Dharmapuri district is a popular tourist destination.
The waterfall amidst the lush green and serene surroundings makes it an idyllic and excellent excursion destination for tourists-both domestic and foreign.
However, weekends here are rather fast paced as the place is chock- a- block with people, coming here to soak in the water showers or enjoy a boat ride.
Besides providing a perfect leisure spot, the waterfall is known for its healing properties. People suffering from skin ailments especially come here to take a herbal power shower.
"The water here is excellent. It flows through various places. Taking a bath in the fall is good as the water has medicinal properties. The water comes here from Baramandla covering a distance of 350 kilometres. It flows through various places," said Sathyanarayan, a visitor.
Tourists especially from Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh come here to enjoy a boat ride on the lake, which receives water from the fall.
"The lake is very nice and we enjoyed it a lot. It's a fantastic place, especially the boating and all is very good. The valleys and the falls here are simply superb," says Beena, a tourist.
The tourists who want a bit more thrill prefer an upstream boat ride through the water falling from a high altitude. by Jai Kumar
Nightmares? Try dream therapy
Dream therapy could show a way out of recurring nightmares, according to a new study.
The previously discredited approach is drawing the interest of clinicians, because it can treat nightmares by training the victims to dream lucidly, so they can consciously wake up.
Lucid dreaming -- when you are aware you are dreaming -- is a state between sleeping and being awake. It creates distinct patterns of electrical activity in the brain similar to the patterns made by psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia.
The links between lucid dreaming and psychotic conditions offers potential for new therapeutic routes based on how healthy dreaming differs from unstable mental states.
Unstable states comprise neurological and psychiatric disorders, according to the findings of a European Science Foundation (ESF) workshop.
New data affirms the connection by showing that while dreaming lucidly, the brain is in a dissociated state, according to Ursula Voss from the University of Frankfurt.
'In the field of psychiatry, the interest in patients' dreams has progressively fallen out of both clinical practice and research,' said Silvio Scarone, of Università degli Studi di Milano in Milan.
'Basic dream researchers could now apply their knowledge to psychiatric patients with the aim of building a useful tool for psychiatry, reviving interest in patients' dreams,' continued Scarone.
'Neuroscience investigators could explore how to extend their work to psychiatric conditions, using approaches from sleep research to interpret data from acute psychotic and dissociated states of the brain-mind.
'Exposure to real threatening events supposedly activates the dream system, so that it produces simulations that are realistic rehearsals of threatening events in terms of perception and behaviour,' said Scarone.
US is number one 'spam nation'
The US leads the world in the sending of spam, according to a study.
The study by IT security solutions provider Sophos showed that spam originating in Russia has dropped significantly. It also claimed that some 16.5 percent of all spam mails sent in the second quarter of this year came from the United States.
Russian spammers - previously a highly active bunch - were only responsible for 3.2 percent of all spam sent, which puts them in ninth place on the list.
Second place went to Brazil (11.1 percent), followed by Turkey (5.2) and India (5.0).
Facebook, MySpace may cause kids to commit suicide, warns Archbishop
Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace may drive kids to commit suicide, warns the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols says that the "transient relationships" such sites are making teenagers to develop leave them unable to cope when their social networks collapse.
According to him, the Internet and mobile phones were "dehumanising" community life.
His views came after a 15-year-old schoolgirl killed herself by taking a fatal overdose of painkillers last week, after being bullied on Bebo, another networking site.
The Archbishop of Westminster also expressed his concern about the loss of loyalty, and the rise of individualism in British society, which he said threatened to undermine communities.
He said that the decline in face-to-face meetings and conversations over the phone was weakening relationships
"I think there's a worry that an excessive use or an almost exclusive use of text and emails means that as a society we're losing some of the ability to build interpersonal communication that's necessary for living together and building a community," the Telegraph quoted him as saying.
"We're losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person's mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until the moment is right to make or press a point.
"Too much exclusive use of electronic information dehumanises what is a very, very important part of community life and living together," he added.
Nichols further said that social network sites were leaving children with impoverished friendships.
"Facebook and MySpace might contribute towards communities, but I'm wary about it. It's not rounded communication so it won't build a rounded community," he said.
"If we mean by community a genuine growing together and a mutual sharing in an interest that is of some significance then it needs more than Facebook," he added.
Stressing that the sites were contributing to a trend for teenagers to put too much importance on the number of friends they have, he warned that it could eventually lead to suicide.
"Among young people often a key factor in them committing suicide is the trauma of transient relationships. They throw themselves into a friendship or network of friendships, then it collapses and they're desolate," he said.
He continued: "It's an all or nothing syndrome that you have to have in an attempt to shore up an identity; a collection of friends about whom you can talk and even boast. But friendship is not a commodity, friendship is something that is hard work and enduring when it's right."
Flying car successfully test-flown
If you enjoy flying but can't get enough of your car, then here's something to look forward to - a new flying car has been successfully test flown.
Brainchild of the US firm Terrafugia, it was showcased at an experimental aircraft show this week as reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
The car is called Transition Roadable Aircraft.
According to the Sentinel, its wings can retract in about 20 seconds making it possible to drive it on the road, reports The Courier Mail.
The car's price is around 200,000 dollars.