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After The Date: Remember ....

Monday, April 27, 2009 , Posted by AME at 7:19 AM

Dates usually have different endings. In most cases, it’s either you don’t want to see the other person again, or you’re already looking forward to the second date. If the date has a happy ending, then by all means ask for her phone number. Be a gentleman and take your date home. A friendly kiss is a good way to end the amazing night.
Then you wake up in the morning and ask yourself: what next? Is it time to call yet? When is the right time to call for another date? Here are some tips to guide you when calling after the date: You’re itching to call her right after the date, maybe just to say hi or simply to hear her voice again. This is definitely a rather personal approach, but some women would think of this as being too eager and puts them off. Instead of calling, try to send a text message, or an email. A short and sweet one is infinitely better than a long and boring message, which is likely to make you look desperate. The art of calling after the date requires proper timing—call too soon and she’ll think you’re too keen (you might scare her off thinking that you’re stalker material); call too late and she’ll think you’re only playing with her (don’t be surprised if she sounds annoyed, you made her wait that’s why!). Waiting two days before calling her is usually a good idea.
When you get her on the phone, tell her that you enjoyed every moment you had together, and leave the option for another round of dating. At this stage, women must have the patience to wait for a guy to call back. The first call is always crucial—chatting for too long will only make you appear needy. It is best to keep the conversation short and simple. Men don’t stay on the phone for hours, so forget about it. Besides, there will be plenty of time to chat with your date on the phone after the consecutive dates.
Not sure what to say? Talk about the weather, your pet or the new coffee shop that you want to check out. Relax! Give her the impression that you are a confident person. Letting your nerves overcome you is not the way to do it. Practice what you’re going to say if it helps. Don’t forget to put a smile on your face while talking to her. Even if she doesn’t see you, it would still come across the phone line. It will definitely make your voice sound more cheerful. You feel there’s something, there’s chemistry between you and your date.
How can you be so sure that the feeling is mutual? If all you get are repeated messages from her answering machine, then it’s a sure sign that she doesn’t feel the same way about you. If this is the case, try to leave a message, along with your number, only once. If she’s interested, she will surely call you back. However, getting too much call from her is not a good sign, too. she is probably clingy and insecure. Maybe you’ll be better off without her, because you’ll never know how clingy she could get after the third or fourth date.
The worst thing that a guy could ever do is saying that he’ll call but does not do so. Mean what you say—if you promised to call, then do so. Don’t waste her time by making her wait. Not only will it hurt her; it would definitely make you look like a jerk, too.