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Emotional Abuse 7 Signs That You Are in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Thursday, June 11, 2009 , Posted by AME at 11:06 AM

Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse can be harder to identify, because emotionally abusive tendencies can slowly creep into a relationship in the form of unhealthy patterns. Emotionally abusive partners seek to manipulate you. They often don’t want to hurt you, but they’re controlling nature makes them act out in a way that is mentally and emotionally harmful.

Here are some signs that you are in an emotionally abusive relationship:

* You feel that you can’t express yourself freely with your partner, or you have to walk on eggshells.

* Your partner frequently express jealousy, and keeps you from engaging in normal interactions with the opposite sex

* Your partner frequently criticizes you, humiliates you, or undermines your self esteem

* Your partner keeps you from your friends, family and support groups outside of the relationship

* You caught your partner monitoring your email or internet usage

* Your partner alludes to the possibility of harming you or your loved ones if you betrayed or left him or her

* Your partner implies that if you were to leave, he or she may commit suicide or engage in other self harm

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but simply point to some of the trends of an emotionally abusive relationship. Regarding the last bullet point threats of suicide it is an especially manipulative tactic. If your partner holds their potential suicide over their head, they are essentially trying to take you hostage. You need to bring in a third party if they resort to this or any other form of violence.

Emotional Abuse: 7 Signs That You Are in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, you need to get help or get out, and you need to do it fast. Even if it never escalates to physical abuse, emotionally abusive relationships can be damaging, possibly leading to stress, depression, and even post traumatic stress disorder.

Everyone is entitled to a relationship where they are accepted and supported. Relationships should lift you up, not bring you down. They should be a refuge from the hardships of the world; they shouldn’t be a source of constant struggle for one or both partners.

It’s common for both women and men to be victims of emotional abuse. Often, men are not comfortable of thinking of themselves as victims – it can feel like admitting to being less of a man. Men sometimes don’t like to admit that things are out of control, or that they can’t “handle” their partner. It can be hard to a man’s ego to seek out help in the form of a counselor or relationship literature.